zonked - определение. Что такое zonked
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Что (кто) такое zonked - определение


If someone is zonked or zonked out, they are not capable of doing anything because they are very tired, drunk, or drugged. (INFORMAL)
¦ adjective informal under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Zonked/Ain't It Fun         
Zonked/Ain't It Fun is an album by Dee Dee Ramone. Zonked is the record released in America on the Other People's Music label, and Ain't It Fun is the version released in the UK on Blackout Records.



Zonked!, known in Europe as Ain't it Fun?, is the third studio album by Dee Dee Ramone, released in October 1997 by Other Peoples Music. The album features contributions from former Ramones members Joey and Marky Ramone, guitarist and producer Daniel Rey, and Cramps lead singer Lux Interior. The European edition of the album contains the bonus track "Please Kill Me".

Примеры произношения для zonked
1. And before you know it, you're just zonked out.
The Ice Bucket Challenge _ Pat Quinn _ Talks at Google
2. Had it been a real predator they would have been zonked.
Quiet _ Susan Cain _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для zonked
1. The Prime Minister, sitting beside Miss Smith yesterday, looked zonked.
2. Finally VA doctors increased Troy‘s medication, and he became too zonked to drive.
3. The spot opens with a spinning tie–dye image and shows footage of a dancing, presumably zonked–to–the–gills flower child at Woodstock.
4. Wildlife officials put a trampoline under the tree and shot the bear with a tranquiliser gun, resulting in priceless footage of the zonked–out bear slumping backwards onto the springs, then being catapulted back into the air.
5. Reilly are a singing cowboy act, the Old Trailhands, and Virginia Madsen, in the film‘s wooziest conceit, plays a white–raincoated angel of death drifting through the backstage area in a zonked swoon.